Week 4 Illustration

Week 4 Illustration

Blog Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ex sem, facilisis sed viverra nec, sagittis vel quam nulla nisi mi scelerisque quis. Illustration 5 by dberlinguette | May 23, 2023Feeling a bit abstract. May stay on this path for a bit. Week 4...

Week 3 Illustration

Tallinn, old town This week’s illustration continues with the color and texture styles that I’m learning to get a handle on. It’s directly from a photograph taken during a visit in August 2022. I’m fairly pleased with the outcome. For week four I plan to focus on...

Week 1 Illustration

Week one’s illustration is a lesson from the Domestika course – Creating at atmospheric image. The emotions I chose for this one were adventurousness with calmness. To represent this I drew a boat floating along a quiet lake at night.

An Illustration a Week

An Exercise In Staying Sharp One week ago I subscribed to a course on Domestika titled “Atmospheric Scenes in Procreate”. I am brand new to Procreate, but in spite of that I was able to comfortably jump right in and hit the ground running. It also has the...
10 Easy Stress Reduction Methods

10 Easy Stress Reduction Methods

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet metus a massa vulputate pharetra sagittis et ex. Nullam sed ligula quis nulla suscipit pellentesque. Integer facilisis mauris vel turpis congue ullamcorper. Donec dignissim dapibus sollicitudin....
Using Exercise to Clear Your Mind

Using Exercise to Clear Your Mind

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet metus a massa vulputate pharetra sagittis et ex. Nullam sed ligula quis nulla suscipit pellentesque. Integer facilisis mauris vel turpis congue ullamcorper. Donec dignissim dapibus sollicitudin....